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Home > Asian country in a sentence

Asian country in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2022-01-26Updated:2022-01-26
Similar words: african countryeuropean countryforeign countrybean counterin countenancecountryuncountedencounterMeaning: n. nations occupying the Asian continent. 
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1. Rice is the staple diet in many Asian countries.
2. Rice is the staple food in many Asian countries.
3. Five Asian countries lay claim to the islands.
4. The economic power of many Asian countries has grown dramatically in recent years.
5. The Asian countries along the coast of the Pacific all came out against the US new military base in Japan.
6. The financial crisis devitalized the economy of the Asian countries.
7. The peoples of Southeast Asian countries all denounced the treaty between these two countries.
8. Asian country is a few cheaper.
9. Mongolia is located in the landlocked Central Asian country.
10. Canada was the only none eas non - Asian country in the top 5, it rolls.
11. To Asian country, the development course of the European Union is one side mirror.
12. Which is the Asian country whose economy is growing the fastest?
13. Kyrgyzstan is the first Central Asian country to have a woman as president.
14. The victory marked the first time an Asian country has won a curling world championship.
15. Grant believed that along with the Asian country economy's development, Asia's status date is obviously important.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. Canada was the only non - Asian country in the top five.
17. This kind of condition caused the East Asian country to be at the disadvantageous position in the international competition, so loses great free trade benefice.
18. Foreign direct investment; Environmental determinant; Investment environment; Asian country; Host country orientation; Structural model.
19. The mighty U.S. army was humbled by a small South East Asian country.
20. Haiphong is the third largest city in the Southeast Asian country.
21. Products outlet and American, Japanese, South Korean, Taiwan as well as the Southeast Asian country area.
22. Hundreds of watery interlace the heartland of this low - lying South Asian country.
23. The global economic declines to relies on the export the Asian country influence to be obvious.
24. The industrial production index has been rising since 2005 in this Asian country.
25. I will retire soon and would like to live in China or another asian country.
26. Sky lanterns a tradition that originated long ago in the most - populated Asian country.
27. Up ahead lay the decaying remnants of a French hill station where colonists used to while away their weekends when they ruled this Southeast Asian country.
28. But a new and insidious enemy - global warming - is hitting this South East Asian country[], with deadly force.
29. All wanted to help kick start medical humanities in a developing Asian country.
30. This is the first question which this article wants to inspect, namely inquiring about East Asian country exchange rate arrangement after crisis.
More similar words: african countryeuropean countryforeign countrybean counterin countenancecountryuncountedencounterold countryupcountryup-countrybasic accountcountrymencountrymanincome accountuncountablepollen counthome countryhost countrycountrysidewest countrydonor countrycountry codecountry housein the countryback countrycountry clubcountrywidemother countryrun counter to
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